user app flow

app loading screen

app introduction screen

application login

touch id / face id login

login using touch id

login using face id


application profile

app home screen

on demand services

service provider availability

book service provider

manage services

service provider profile

gallery and reviews

booking summary and pay

booking location

sent job request

job request accepted

internal chat option

call masking

video call

service provider reaches job location

job started

before starting the job

job completed

when the job is completed

additional charges

invoice summary

video consultation

service providers list

service provider profile

boking and payment

job request sent

accept job request

start service

connect via video call

video consultation invoice summary

bidding for services

place your bid

send notification to nearby service provider

service provider bids

make counter offer

accept/ decline or revise counter offer

status of the bidding

task details

task details and payment mode

internal chat

job location

job progress

task progress

payment summary

rate and review

send gift card

review gift card

gift card payment

gift card details

redeem gift card

redeemed successfully

manage availability

OTP verification

wallet integration

graphical status of job

SOS emergency option

money transfer

money transfer successfully

membership subscription plan

my subscription

restricting service provider's fraud

location wise banners

location wise push notification

advance detailed device search

firebase authentication

account verification

favorite service provider

payment summary

edit profile

manage documents

manage gallery

payment options

multiple credit card management

booking history

notification and newsfeed

manage notification sound

promo code

emergency / panic button

advertisement banners

user's feedback

invite friends and manage bank details

earning statistics

other information screen

ads integration

generate revenue from ads

contact us and help